Blackstone Ranger Rogue: Blackstone Rangers Book 4 Read online

Page 19

  He closed his eyes. “Love.” A smile spread across his face. “Only love.” He kissed her again, deeply this time, like it had been years since their lips touched, and when he released her mouth, every molecule of oxygen had left her lungs. “I’m still going to fuck you until you beg me to stop.”

  She barked out a laugh. “What a romantic you are.”

  “I’m no Prince Charming,” he began. “But I’m damned well going to make sure every day of your life—of our baby’s life—is a Goddamned fairy tale.”

  “Stop talking and kiss me, my prince,” she said, before bringing his head down for another kiss.

  And then there was no more talking, not for the rest of the night.


  A few weeks later …

  “How are you feeling, beautiful?” Anders asked as they stepped out into the arrivals hall of Perth Airport.

  “Nervous?” Not that he needed to ask, because he could sense her anxiety through their mate bond.

  “Yeah.” Darcey’s eyes darted around. “But that’s normal, right?”

  “Of course.” Placing his arm around her, he pressed a kiss to her temple. “But it’ll be fine, I promise.”

  The smile she gave him warmed his heart. “I know. You’re here with me.”

  “Always, beautiful.” He kissed her again, then looked around. “I’m sure he’ll be here soon.”

  Her hand went to her mouth. “Oh God, I think I’m gonna throw up.”

  “Breathe, Darcey.” He rubbed his hand down her back. But who could blame her? She was about to meet her biological father for the first time.

  A few weeks ago, Adam had come through on his research and found Jack Kelly. He was still alive and lived with his bevy in Perth. With Darcey’s permission, Adam contacted him via email, and he responded right away. Though shocked at the discovery that his affair with Elizabeth had produced a child, Jack Kelly had been ecstatic that Darcey was alive and well, and invited her to come and visit him in Australia.

  Darcey was hesitant to go, especially since Sarah and Daniel hadn’t gone on a honeymoon yet and the store was still new. “Darce, if you don’t go now, you won’t be able to go when you pop or when the baby comes,” Sarah had said. “Everything will be fine here, and Daniel and I can wait.”

  So, they planned the trip to go to Australia. And since they were going all the way there anyway, Anders added a side jaunt to Japan so Darcey could meet Sensei Toyama. They visited him for a few days and then drove up to Kouri Island where Anders presented her with a stunning, princess-cut diamond, which she was now wearing on her left ring finger.

  “I’m glad you came with me.” She smiled up at him.

  “Like I would let you leave my side,” he snorted and then pressed a hand to her belly protectively. The thought that he would be a father in a few months made him sweat bullets. In fact, he was still both ecstatic and horrified at the thought. Would he even make a good dad? What if he messed up? What if his kid hated him?

  “Stop.” A stern look crossed her face. “I know what you’re thinking and feeling. You have to stop doubting yourself.”

  “I’m trying.” For her, he tried very hard. But the doubt was always there, in the corner of his mind. How could he be a good father when his own family was messed up? When even now, he was still unsure of his future with them?

  “You’re thinking about the past again,” Darcey said.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No, no.” She shook her head. “Don’t be sorry. We’ll get through it. No matter what happens, I’ll be here. We’ll be together.”

  Anders had already decided to move on from Felicia, but that was going to be difficult since Christopher came to him again just a couple of days ago. The kid was nineteen after all, practically an adult and figured the story out on his own. Felicia had gone into a rage when he confronted her about her previous family, but he defied his mother to come to him. Despite all that happened, Christopher didn’t want to ignore Anders’s existence.

  Christopher had also told him he had a younger brother and sister, both lynxes. But they were only thirteen and nine, so they decided not to say anything yet, as they didn’t want any blowback from Felicia. When they were old enough and could understand, Christopher said he would tell them.

  “Do you see him?” Darcey’s voice pitched higher than usual.

  He could feel her swan flapping its wings excitedly inside of her. “I don’t—” He stopped when he saw the older man walking toward them. They had video chatted with Jack Kelly a few times, so he recognized Darcey’s father right away—tall and lean, silvery hair and beard and dressed in a blue shirt and khaki pants. “There.”

  Her shoulders tensed, and she sucked in a breath. Kelly must have spotted them because he began to rush toward them, stopping a foot away. His aquamarine eyes fixed on Darcey, as if there was nothing else around him.

  “You look so much like her,” he said, his voice a hoarse whisper. “Darcey.”

  They stood there, staring at each other until Anders nudged her forward.

  “Hello, Jack. It’s nice to finally meet you,” she said shyly, and offered her hand.

  “C’mon now, Darce, no need for that.” Kelly took her hand and pulled her in for a hug. “I’m so glad you came.”

  “Me too.” The hug lasted for another five seconds before she pulled away. “Um, you remember Anders.” She pulled him forward. “My mate. And now fiancé.” She held up her hand, showing him the ring.

  “Glad she said yes,” Kelly said with a chuckle. Anders had emailed him privately to tell him his plans. Of course, he made it clear he was not asking for his permission—he had already gone through that with the person who had raised Darcey. Sarah had made him suffer, but he supposed he deserved it.

  “You knew?” Darcey said incredulously, and the two men laughed.

  “Congrats, you’re a lucky bloke,” Kelly said as they shook hands.

  “I know.” He certainly felt like the luckiest “bloke” in the world.

  “Darcey,” Kelly began, turning to her again. His eyes misted as he continued to drink her in, a fond smile on his face. “I can’t believe you’re really here. I wish I had … I want to—”

  “I know.” Darcey reached out and squeezed his hand. “We’ll have time to say all the things we need to say.”

  Kelly grinned. “Well now, look at us dawdling like a couple of old biddies. Let’s head out; car’s right outside. It’s a long drive and everyone’s eager to meet you.”

  The Perth bevy actually lived just north of the city in—where else—the Swan Valley, Western Australia’s oldest wine regions. The Alpha’s family owned one of the largest wineries in the area, Black Feather Farm. Right now, it was spring time in the Southern Hemisphere, and the valley burst with a verdant growth of trees, a riotous rainbow of flowers, and acres and acres of grape vines.

  They arrived at Black Feather Farm to a gregarious reception from the entire bevy. Darcey had met so many relatives that she could hardly remember all their names. Aunts, uncles, cousins, second cousins—they were all a blur, plus, the sheer number of people trying to talk to her at the same time made it hard to keep track. Of course, she and Anders were presented to the Alpha and his mate, Noah and Emily Kelly. Noah looked like an older version of Jack, though he was shorter and stockier, but just as friendly as he welcomed Darcey with a big hug and Anders with a firm handshake. Finally, Jack introduced her to his kids, her half-brother and sister, Oliver and Chloe, who were sixteen and thirteen years old.

  “Ready to pack up and go to back to America yet?” Jack joked as he steered her away from the exuberant crowd and handed her a sparkling water. He knew about the pregnancy, of course, as she had told him in the car on the way here. Her heart warmed when she had seen the tears in his eyes as he struggled not to cry.

  “Not yet.” In truth, both she and her swan loved being around so many people like them. “Thanks.” She accepted the drink and let him lead her to the back p
orch that looked out onto the valley. “This is stunning.”

  “I’m glad you think so,” he said quietly. “This is your legacy, too, you know.”

  A comfortable silence settled over them as they continued to admire the views. Jack cleared his throat. “I really had no idea about you, Darcey. I’m so sorry. For letting you down. And letting your mother down.”

  “No, there’s nothing to be sorry about.” She had told him about Elizabeth over the video call, and he had been shocked and saddened by the news. She also relayed what had happened with Cassius, and how he’d been stripped of his Alpha status and was now in jail, awaiting trial for Darcey’s kidnapping and attempted murder. Jack had wanted to fly over right away and get revenge for her and her mother, but she convinced him to stay put.

  “If I had known, I would have come for you,” he said. “You could have grown up here. With us. With me.”

  “But I didn’t,” she said. “And, well … I’m kind of glad.” Her gaze turned to Anders, who was already surrounded by her various aunts, uncles, and cousins as he told some funny story that made them laugh.

  “So, your mate is a tiger, huh?” he teased.

  “I didn’t believe it either,” she said. “Did you know right away? About my mother?”

  “Know what?”

  “That she was your mate. I felt like my whole life, I was looking for something. Did you feel that way? And what about when you met?”

  Jack’s face turned serious. “I’m sorry, Darcey. But Elizabeth wasn’t my mate.”

  “She wasn’t? But Cassius said you guys were.”

  “I’m not sure where he got that idea.” He scratched his head. “When I met Elizabeth, I have to admit I was infatuated. She was so gorgeous, just like you. I resisted her, of course, but then she confessed to me that she and Cassius weren’t really mates, and she was unhappy. I know it’s not an excuse, but I did fall for her. I told her that if she wanted to get away, I’d help her get out of that situation. But then Noah and I had to come back home, and I never heard from her again. I thought that maybe she decided to continue on with the lie. It was none of my business, after all. But I would never have guessed that she would get pregnant. Anyway, years later, I met Janice—that’s Oliver and Chloe’s mum—who’s my mate. She died a couple of years ago.”

  The profound grief in his eyes was unmistakable.

  “You survived her death.”

  “Had to.” He nodded at his kids. “For them.”

  She frowned. “I don’t understand though. My mom died of a broken heart. Cassius pretty much confirmed it. So, if you weren’t mates, why did she die?”

  “Isn’t it obvious, Darcey?” He cupped her chin and caressed her cheeks. “She had to give up the one person she loved the most.”

  Tears burned at her eyes. She’d always told herself that her mother had loved her, but now she knew that was the truth.

  “It’s all right, love.” Jack brushed the tears away from her face. “You’re home now.”

  “Darcey, a little help!”

  “Anders?” She turned her head toward the sound of his voice. “What’s going on?”

  Her mate strode over to them, looking sheepish. “Your relatives are pretty … uh … lively.” He shot Jack an apologetic look.

  The older man laughed. “They can be a rowdy bunch. Oi!” He called. “Stop annoying my future son-in-law, ya buggers! And where’s the tucker? We’re starving. Do I have to do everything myself?” He shook his head. “Darcey love, Anders, will you excuse me? I should check on the food.” With a last parting grin, he walked away.

  “You okay?” she asked Anders.

  “Yeah … just overwhelmed.” He frowned then lowered his voice. “Their accents—I can’t understand what they’re saying, so I just keep nodding along. And then they started asking me questions. I promised your Uncle Angus that I’d let him take me to the outback, or give him one of my kidneys, I’m not sure.”

  She giggled. “I’m sure it’ll be fine. You can live with one kidney.”

  “Oh, ha ha.” He placed an arm around her and gazed out into the valley. “It sure is nice out here.”

  With a sigh, she leaned into him. “It is.”

  “You must be happy, now that you’re home.”

  The comment made her nose wrinkle. Jack had said the same thing. But her swan didn’t agree, and neither did she.

  “Home? Oh no. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy knowing I’m not the only one of my kind, and I like being around them. But I don’t belong here; this isn’t my home.” Taking his hands in hers, she wrapped his arms around her and laid her head against his chest. “This.” The beating of his heart filled her ears like the most beautiful rhythm in the world. “This is my home.”

  And for the first time in her life, she was truly done searching.

  Dear Reader,

  Anders and Darcey’s story was PURE JOY to write. Much more than I thought it would be. I hope you enjoyed it!

  But now Krieger’s secret is out.

  What’s he been doing all these months?

  And how is that connected to a certain redhead fashion designer?

  Find out by pre-ordering the next book, Blackstone Ranger Guardian.

  Comes out in November!

  Pre-order it now at $2.99 (goes up to 3.99 on release day).

  Or join my newsletter to find out as soon as it’s ready!

  All my love,


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